Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Day

Here are some simple ideas for your Valentines
A simple sign over the fireplace will bring romance
Use hearts cut outs and make a gorgeous wreath for your special one.
Kids will love this project
Turn a  pillow into a card.
 Strawberries and flowers
Stamp cotton bags and you will have a special favor for special friends
Hearts felt bags . Soo cute
Cover one of your containers with pink fabric and flowers.

Votive candle with sprinkles
Brown bags with hearts for a special lunch

I loved the cones see pictures bellow
Use melted chocolate to put all together.
You can add a message like Chinese fortune cookies

Taa Daaa
Keys !!!
And finally  HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY !!!!